Monday 24 August 2009

Early Monday... Every Monday

Waking up at 03:30 to get ready for work is surely not the best thing...

Headache, dizziness... all these lazy / sleepy symptoms springs to live the moment that alarm clock screams.

This felt like as if I have actually stayed up all night... Falling asleep in my little cubicle here in the office... and this is going to happen EVERY MONDAY!!!!! Okay, the silver lining of this? Hum well, I get to finish work at 14:00 on EVERY MONDAY!!!!! YEAH~~~~

and it is so HOT here too!!!! I am melting....

I need cold H2O, ice cubes, cold AC and my bed!!!! humm okay, maybe a good book to hypnotize me to a deep sleep! lol!

Actually, I think I might start World of Warcraft when I get home tonight! Everyone is playing it, thought I might just as well join in - at least for a trial out!

1 comment:

  1. Shame, but at least you get to finish work at 14:00!
