Tuesday 25 August 2009

Conjunctivitis - My Eye Infection & Chinese Traditional Clinic - My Skin

Red, swollen, itchiness and discomfort... If you are experiencing those symptoms at your eye(s) then, a big congratulations to you! You've probably got Conjunctivitis! (click for a Wikipedia explanation)

Yip, so this is what I've got at the moment... A little annoyed by it actually as this is not the first time and won't be the last time it has and will happen. My Optometrist explains that this is happening to me continuously is probably because of the following:
- A habit of rubbing my eyes
- Change of season
- Dust / animal fur / germs
- Pollen (I think he said that too)

Anyways, he says that my condition has already improved as the frequency has now been lengthened so it is getting better (Or shall we say I am getting used to the dirty environment...)!

Yes, I admit it! I have bad skin..... >_< pimples (click for a Wikipedia explanation) are still popping out from time to time like daisies!!!! So sad.... and as I am sure you all can understand that a pimple always looks 100 X worse from your own eyes! Now imagine a whole big area of pimple farm on your face...

So, to stop poisoning my liver while trying to cure my acne, I have decided to take full advantage of the Traditional Chinese Medication - A much more natural / mild way of treatment which is not harmful to your body. The only drawback is that this treatment is time consuming so you won't see an immediate effect like the Western Medications...

Well, fingers crossed for me!!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow...Conjunctivitis... must be careful not to spread it around!! lol!

