Monday 14 September 2009

A Proposal At Taipei International Airport 機場求婚 嫁給我吧!

Just like the subject line, quite nicely done!!!

Perhaps this video may give you some inspiration of what to do on your near future proposals!

This video was shared to me by my girlfriend and we don't know the couple at all! But even so, we would still like to wish the couples in this video the very best and a big congratulations!!

Now, enjoy the video...

Thursday 3 September 2009

Heroic Action - A Matter Of Life And Death

2nd September 2009 at around 11:10am is a time of remembrance of the great heroic action of two+one individual and two police officers and two fire-fighters, and the kitten.

A true moment of glory!

It happened on the busiest cross-roads in Taipei, during the hottest hour of the day... the sun blazing down its fury on the tar road... hundreds of people and vehicles trying to make their way across to their destination where their destiny awaits...

Daniel and I are employees at a financial institution, our work requires us to work on shifts... and it was the First (Early) Shift that Heaven has decided for us. The benefit of working on the First Shift is that we get to have our lunch early and leave early so that we may have the remaining afternoon and evening free if we don't have to work overtime.

11:00 appears on the computer monitor, it is time for lunch. Without further delay we head downstairs for lunch, however, what lunch to buy has not yet been decided. There was time until we hit the side road though... Heaven again showed it mercy to the fragile and pity souls on earth, we have decided to to have McDonalds despite the fact that we've already had it two days ago.

As we walk through the busy crowd of people on the pedestrian and vehicles, something small and full of fur caught our eyes... It is a kitten!! It seemed hurt! Multitude of people walked by giving a glance at it but no one bothered to stop by and help. Perhaps they expect others to handle it.. or perhaps they were in a hurry?! But then again, who isn't?!

Having stopped our journey to McDonalds to investigate the little creature on the floor, it was indeed in pain, shock and was hurt. At the point of desperation and the hunger for food, we have decided to call the Taipei Citizen Hotline 1999. The called was answered quickly and professionally by the service agent and within 10 min during one of the busiest hours during the day, help arrived!!

The kitten was saved!!!!

...and the journey to McDonalds continued with excitement and fulfillment. Now, it is only interesting and fascinating to think what would of happened should we have gone to a different place for lunch, have taken the traffic light at the other side?

I know the answer to that... The kitten might be dead...

Monday 31 August 2009

No Slippage?!

Being introduced to Forex Margin Trading the first time in my life...

Having spoken to a few people and personal research regarding Forex Margin Trading, I have come to a conclusion that this is a type of trading that could be the easiest to enter due to its low entrance requirements.

It has advantages such as:
24 Hours OTC (Over the counter) trading which means that you can trade online at anywhere.,
The market is so large that it is almost impossible for human interference like the stock market.
Low entrance requirements as low as USD 1,000!!
You may gain profit by both appreciation or depreciation of the currency pairs!

Have I got your attention just a little bit yet? Now, here is an educational site about this call Baby Pips of which it will show you the basics of the market. Once you are more familiar with the concept of Forex Trading you will need to start look for a good trading platform provider!

Remember earlier on I told you I've spoken to some people and have done a little research myself? Another thing that I have found out is that 99% of the platform providers out at the moment all creates slippage!!! Now, intentional slippage is unethical!!!

Almost all the traders are looking for a platform provider that won't create slippage... hum, well, I've actually found one! They are called Masarut Capital Group, a new company resisted at Sweden, monitored under the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and what is also interesting is that the founder of the company is a devoted Christian who believes deeply doing things honestly!

Anyway, don't just sit here and read! Go check them out! visit

Still here???!!!!

Now GO!!!!!!!

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Conjunctivitis - My Eye Infection & Chinese Traditional Clinic - My Skin

Red, swollen, itchiness and discomfort... If you are experiencing those symptoms at your eye(s) then, a big congratulations to you! You've probably got Conjunctivitis! (click for a Wikipedia explanation)

Yip, so this is what I've got at the moment... A little annoyed by it actually as this is not the first time and won't be the last time it has and will happen. My Optometrist explains that this is happening to me continuously is probably because of the following:
- A habit of rubbing my eyes
- Change of season
- Dust / animal fur / germs
- Pollen (I think he said that too)

Anyways, he says that my condition has already improved as the frequency has now been lengthened so it is getting better (Or shall we say I am getting used to the dirty environment...)!

Yes, I admit it! I have bad skin..... >_< pimples (click for a Wikipedia explanation) are still popping out from time to time like daisies!!!! So sad.... and as I am sure you all can understand that a pimple always looks 100 X worse from your own eyes! Now imagine a whole big area of pimple farm on your face...

So, to stop poisoning my liver while trying to cure my acne, I have decided to take full advantage of the Traditional Chinese Medication - A much more natural / mild way of treatment which is not harmful to your body. The only drawback is that this treatment is time consuming so you won't see an immediate effect like the Western Medications...

Well, fingers crossed for me!!!!

Monday 24 August 2009

Blue Man - The Past Sat (22nd Aug 09)

Oh this is an interesting one... Thought I must share it with you...

Before I start my little episode here I would first of all like to recommend anyone who haven't yet seen the Blue Man Group to go see them perform!! The show is absolutely amazing!!!!

Actually.. not too sure if I can post this here... but to cut the long story short, somehow I managed to receive ticket for the Blue Man Group's performance here in Taipei over the weekend... One thing I can tell you is that a lot of tears had been shed for this show.... lol! A lot of brain cells too in a matter of fact...

lol! Oh but it was a great performance!!

In case you don't know what I am talking about, please refer to the picture I have attached here for you.